Faustin Linyekula
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koreografija, ples / Choreography, Dance: Faustin Linyekula
Glasba / Music: Flamme Kapaya, Obilo Drummers
Produkcija / Produced by: Studio Kabako/Virginie Dupray
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Centre national de la danse
Foto / Photo: Aghate Poupeney
Predstava sodi v program Festivala EXODOS / the performance is part of the programme of the EXODOS Festival
O predstavi
Linyekula pripoveduje zgodbe že več desetletij. Zgodbe o Kongu. O Demokratični republiki Kongo; o Zairu, Belgijskem Kongu. Kot se je pač menjalo ime države skozi zgodovino. Zgodbe o telesih, ki jih je ta zgodovina obtesala, o življenju, zaznamovanem z nasiljem. Ampak kako naj telo zgodovini brez slehernih besed?
Medtem ko se »ponovno uči plesati«, prek gibanja, pripovedovanja, petja Faustin svoje izkušnje podeli z nami.
Plesalec in koreograf Faustin Linyekula deluje v okviru Studios Kabako, ki jih je ustanovil z željo po raziskovanju, spodbujanju in ustvarjanju na področju plesa in vizualnega gledališča. Kot pedagog in umetnik odmevno gostuje po Evropi, ZDA in Afriki.
About the performance
Linyekula has spent over a decade telling stories. Stories of the Congo. Of the Democratic Republic of Congo; of Zaire, of the Belgian Congo. For the country has been called all of these names throughout its history. In these stories, the bodies are marked by history and the lives within are marked by violence. But how can one let the body speak of history while leaving words behind, if only for an instant?
In order to “learn how to dance again” Linyekyla felt as though he needed to make this a shared experience, to bring the audience into his ritual, as he moves, narrates, sings...
The dancer and choreographer Faustin Linyekula works at Studios Kabako that he created with a wish to explore encourage and create in a space dedicated to dance and visual theatre. As an educator and artist he is extensively touring in Europe, the United States and Africa.